Sunday, December 21, 2008

the Playlist

Which, by the way, I can't listen to while posting -- is a Blogger-promoted widget called iLike. The encyclopedia of music accessible when designing the Playlist seems pretty broad, but one of my many friends with esoteric tastes could probably prove me wrong. The list currently posted is just an array of titles I'm enjoying lately -- this week, this year, etc. Some are truncated excerpts, and that might be an indication that I have to pay to play on some service (maybe Rhapsody) -- we'll see, I apologize for that. But my favorite song of the year plays in its entirety -- "Thinking About Tomorrow" by Beth Orton.

Recommend some tunes you like, and I'll update the playlist accordingly! I love recommendations, on music and also literary fiction. I'll try anything once, that's my motto.

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