Tuesday, November 4, 2008

YES WE CAN! When I have a moment I'll have to find out who wrote the speech -- the very moving song and sermon delivered by the First Black President of the United States of America, Sen. Barack Obama; a speech I want to excerpt and paste over every flat surface I can get my hands on. I can't quite put into words how much hope I have invested in the abilities of that one human being, Obama; and I hope his life will be preserved, and his wisdom, as he undertakes an even more daunting task than that of getting elected.

Meanwhile, one of the most hotly contested Senate seats is coming down to the vote by vote count here in MN, between Coleman and Franken -- right now they're tied at 42% a piece, and the bottom line will take some time. I won't stay up for it. I'm exhausted. And yet, amazed at how quickly Obama wrapped this up, compared to elections past.

God bless America. This country will never be the same!

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