We'll bump the drama levels for this post just slightly, since it's the first in yet another Jenski blog. The page might seem to promise something lurid and vaguely Catholic, but if I actually start veering into that territory it will be some cause for concern. Mainly because I know better than to publish that stuff. Privacy y'all -- I'll tell almost anybody almost anything, given the opportunity, but my last personal blog got me into hot water quite unexpectedly with a couple people I'd have preferred not to alienate. (However temporary that turned out to be.) Of course, one can always shitcan one's blog at a moment's notice, taking all the brilliant poetry and drunken midnight musings along down the pipes with the stupid self-pity and the adolescent pop-cultural references. Thank God. I'm sure the NSA has copies of my anti-Bush rants, but that file's probably too big even for Google to parse.
Anyway, I decided quite on the spur of the moment (and I have the day off tomorrow, which helps) that in order to avoid vomiting all my embarrassing first-draft shit onto my hapless friends and co-workers, I really should get back in the game. The blog racket, that is, a fairly trivial pursuit but a good place to go when I feel the urge to write and require the illusion that someone will read -- hear -- understand! I have a few friends who actually DO read the stuff, who expressed regret that I folded good ol' kafepolitick after just a couple years -- but they just say that because I'm a lousy long-distance communicator, and they're both on the west coast. Thanking providence that they live near the beach these days, since they both live in San Diego. Though they've never met.
Which is funny, since one is a habitual ladies' man and the other a confirmed lesbian. I find that really amusing. I've known them both well over a decade now.
But I digress.
Welcome to Laptop Confessional, a blatant rip-off of a band name that I've always liked (though I've never bothered to seek out their music.) I intend to gripe about my job as Congregational Administrator of two -- count 'em, two -- growing urban churches; about my marriage and my other dicey relationships; and about politics. I also intend to wax rhapsodic about poetry, my kid, art, nature, worship, authors, friends and other fun stuff. I'll expose my anxiety (lots of that), my insecurity (lots of that also) and maybe my ego (unavoidable actually). And hopefully, have more than two readers. Three, counting Cathie.
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Yay! You're Back!
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