Sunday, March 1, 2009

light housekeeping

So I rearranged some of the page elements in the sidebar, and updated or deleted a few links as well as condensing some info. I realized that I do tend to use this blog as a homepage of sorts and I haven't been scrolling down far enough to catch the Digg or some of the non-blog links -- And it's out-of-sight, out-of-mind as we all know in this visual age. If you feel like it, do peruse. I've also added a number of new blogs to "The Usual Suspects."

There's a great little posting on the pitfalls of Facebook for clergy, at RevGalBlogPals.

My favorite artist-blog right now is Jude's Spirit Cloth.

And I think I should add a link to The Onion. The March 1 edition had us rolling tonight.

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